They were sad to leave, but they had no choice. Their mom had died, and their house was burning down... The accident began when Tom and Erick were in their rooms with the house's light off. They heard a pearcing scream from their mother's room. Tom and Erick went to see her and she was layed on the floor bleeding and with lots of pills between them. Definetely, She was dead. They started to cry when suddenly they smelled the worst smell ever, it cames from the kitchen. Tom, the older brother, was really scared, his mother had just died, and his youngest brother didn't stop crying. In spite of his fears, he went to the kitchen and the lights still off. The phone rang, Erick picked up and nobody answered. The older guy keep walking to the kitchen, turned on the light and that was the moment when the house exploded. Tom ran to the mother's room, took his brother's hand and they left the house as quick as possible. Their mother was in the house, but they didn't have...