Modernist Literature

1. Seven Pillars of Wisdom and Scapegoats of the Empire.

2. In Seven Pillars of Wisdom we can read about the personal war experience of the writter and in the Scapegoats of the Empire talks about the experience of the writter in the war and when he was prisoner. Both books were written round 1900-1960 when the period of Modernist Literature was trendy. Some THEMATICS CHARACTERICS of the modernist literature are Realistic embodiment of social meanings, Sense of spiritual loneliness, Sense of frustration,Two World Wars' effects on Humanity , in those books we can found those thematics.

3. I think they are a good example of the modernist literature, because they are pessimistic, urban and negative, for example here we have few lines about “Scapegoats of the Empire”:

When I arrived in Australia, I found that the grossest misrepresentations had been made by those primarily responsible for the manner of the warfare which "staggered humanity," and that they had succeeded in linking the name of Australia with the most tragic and odious incidents connected with a mercenary and inglorious war.

And about “Seven pillars of Wisdom” and its way to see the love:

I loved you, so I drew these tides of men into my hands
and wrote my will across the sky in stars
To gain you Freedom, the seven-pillared worthy house,
that your eyes might be shining for me
When I came.

4. No, definitely not, because this kina of book goes down people and shows the worst part of the humanity and the World.


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